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2020 Worldwork Dojos 1 and 2



The emphasis of the dojos is on practice, practice, practice in Worldwork facilitation among a learning community of students and practitioners. The dojos are made up of a wider learning community of students and practitioners committed to learning and practice of facilitation skills, as well as the participants of the modular Programme. The dojos focus on ‘deconstructing’ our learning and interventions and focus on ‘second training’, discovering the deepest part of you interested in awareness and facilitation.


  • Worldwork Dojo 1 ‘Individual and collective trauma’, March 6-8 2020

We will focus on the skills, warmth and attitudes useful when working alongside individuals and communities suffering from personal and collective trauma. We will focus on why it is essential to work with collective trauma as part of facilitating conflict resolution within communities. We’ll provide a conceptual and theoretical framework for understanding personal and collective dynamics of trauma, as well as practical exercises with a special focus on the facilitator’s body awareness.  We will learn about methods for working with shock, split off and frozen states, nightmares, flashbacks, body symptoms, personal and collective anniversaries, the importance of witnessing collective trauma, the urge to revenge, preventing historical revisionism, accountability and including the history that created the trauma into our collective narrative.

  • Worldwork Dojo 2 ‘On Altered and Extreme States’, April 24-26 2020

We will continue in the spirit of study and practice and ‘deconstructing’ interventions, with a focus on altered and extreme states of consciousness within individuals and whole communities. This will include a theoretical framework for understanding the individual and collective aspects of altered and extreme states.  We will also practice methods for working with individuals suffering altered and extreme states – and for understanding how individuals’ experiences are linked to systemic processes in groups and whole communities, and why working at a group or collective level can be so healing for individuals. We will also look at why it is important to understand group altered and extreme states in relation to large-scale polarisations in groups and communities in conflict, and mass violence.

Training Cauldron Series

(For Processwork UK Diploma students ONLY)



Processwork and Worldwork Theory, Video Study and Practice

  • with hands on assignments and feedback

See dates below for the Training Cauldron sequence:

Cauldrons on Inner Work, Relationship work, and Worldwork facilitation will be opportunities for intense learning and feedback. The ‘Cauldron’ refers to what is involved in ‘cooking’ yourself, at your very limits of awareness and identity – in your inner work and outer practice. This will involve hands-on practice and reflection and the chance to receive and integrate feedback to assignments, and record and reflect on learning in the Study Journal.

For example, an Inner Work practice assignment might be a video of inner work with analysis; a Worldwork Forum assignment might be to prepare for a community forum, from inner work to team work, to creating an outreach plan and flyer. Some assignments will be done individually and some in pairs or peer groups.

a)   Cauldron on Inner work practice

Inner work: Some of the topics will include: awareness of dimensions and channels; burning wood; system awareness; parts for parts; internal marginalisation; body symptoms; long-term processes within chronic symptoms and childhood dreams; inner work on relationship conflicts and more.

b)    Cauldron on Relationship facilitation

Relationship work: Some of the topics include: working with own conflict; working with double edges, and system edges; facilitating relationship interaction; facilitating phase awareness; awareness of dimensions; working with signals, roles, rank dynamics; working with polarisation and transformation; crossing dimensions, and more.

C) Cauldron on Organisation and Worldwork facilitation Teams and Organisations

Some of the topics include: facilitating in a range of contexts; organisational culture; “we” and “not we”; roles, hot spots, system edges in teams and organisations;  escalation and de-escalation; cool spots; inner work and team work of facilitators and more.

d) Cauldron on Community Forum & Worldwork Facilitation: Community Facilitation

Some of the topics include: preparing, gathering and facilitating community or worldwork forums on particular themes; preparation of facilitator; preparation of outreach; preparation of team; how to bring together diverse groups and stakeholders, including from different ‘sides’ of a conflict; researching theme; umbrella; and including Consensus Reality, Dreamland and Essence dimensions.

Cauldron Dates,  6 days:

January 18 Saturday 10 – 4 on Skype

Cauldron 1 INNER WORK Overview of year, and Cauldron on Inner Work, focusing on signal awareness and first and second training. We will orient to practice and assignments.


March 9    Monday (Town hall), Cauldron 2 INNER WORK continuing with signal work, channel awareness and specific focus on proprioception and movement; with review of students’ assignments. 

March 10 Tuesday (Town hall), Cauldron 3 RELATIONSHIP

We will focus on facilitating one’s own conflicts and facilitating others in relationship; continuing signal and communication theory; visual, auditory, proprioception, movement, and interactive signals in relationship. Students will receive assignments to practice


April 27 ( Town hall) Monday, Cauldron 4 RELATIONSHIP

Continuing focus on relationship facilitation with a focus on System’s awareness across dimensions from essence to consensus reality. We will also give feedback to student practice and assignments, and provide ongoing specific tasks to continue.


April 28th ( Town hall) Tuesday, Cauldron 5 ORGANISATION and WORLDWORK

In this Cauldron, students will receive practice assignments on diversity and rank dynamics, organisational and community forum preparation, including inner work, teamwork, outreach, and more.


June 17th Wednesday ( Skype), Cauldron 6 WORLDWORK FORUM STUDY

In this Cauldron we will focus on feedback to students’ practice and assignments and receiving ongoing tasks.


Note: the Curriculum for the Cauldrons on Inner work, Relationship work, and Organisation and Worldwork facilitation is delineated – such that students will receive instruction and assignments, that will follow a 4 – 5 year plan.


If you are interested to learn more about the Processwork UK Diploma Programme, please visit this website, where you can also get in touch.


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Events and News

Facilitation Training in Ukraine

Please see more about our new training 'Facilitating our Future: Facilitation Training in Ukraine' here.

Australia New Zealand Process Oriented Psychology

Our long-time partner and GER director Innocent Musore is a presenter at Healing Intergenerational Trauma in Rwanda - Lessons 30 years on, Online seminar, 24th April, 2024. Please read more and apply here.

Jean-Claude Audergon:

A Legendary Lighthouse

Please read a touching tribute to Jean-Claude written by our colleague Jay Revar here.


Watch our short films and interviews here.


Read an article GER-Rwanda gathers youth group leaders to dialogue on reconciliation.
See 2023 Rwanda Report 'Youth, Reconciliation and the Future'.


See an article on Worldwork in Rwanda here.
See an article on Collective trauma and the nightmare of history here.


Read our Newsletter.
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Training Courses

Read the 'Facilitating our Future' Summary here.