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Audergon, A., Audergon, JC., Arye, L., Ivelja, N., Skopelja, S. Bijelić, M.Back to Our Future: A Handbook for Post-War Recovery and Violence Prevention, (2010)
Audergon, Arlene (2005) The War Hotel: Psychological Dynamics in Violent Conflict, London: Whurr-John-Wiley Whurr Publishers/ John Wiley London November 2004 ISBN: 1861564511, 327 pages
Book Review: Europe’s Journal of Psychology
Audergon, A.   Svratiste
Rata , Croatian Translation War Hotel, Psychological Dynamics in Violent conflict, translated and published by Paralele, Split Croatia, 2008
Audergon, A.  Russian Translation of  War Hotel: Psychological Dynamics in Violent Conflict,  translated by Karina Nazaretyan  and Pogos Nazaretyan, Aenigma press, Moscow 2008
Far In, Far Out – A collection of essays on Inner Work: RSPOPUK, London 2007.  Book Publication Team: Gina Clayton, Anup Karia, Stanya Studentova, Louise Warner, Kirsten Wassermann. The book was written as a gift to Jean-Claude Audergon, in honour of his 60th birthday

Chapters and Articles

Audergon, Jean-Claude: ‘The Body in Process Work’, in Totton, N (Ed.) New Dimensions in Body Psychotherapy, Open University Press/McGraw-Hill, London, 2005 Open University Press/ McGraw-HillISBN: 0335215920, Pub Date: SEP-05
Audergon, A and Arye, L, ‘Transforming Conflict into Community: Post-war reconciliation in Croatia’, chapter in Totton, N. (Editor), Psychotherapy and Politics, London: Open University Press/McGraw Hill, 2006 (Also published in the journal, Psychotherapy and Politics International, Whurr Publishers, 2005) Open University Press/ McGraw-HillISBN: 0335216536, February
Audergon, A. ‘Daring to dream’ Chapter in Hart, B. (Ed.) Peace-Building in Traumatized Societies University Press of America (2008)
Audergon A, Audergon J‐C. ‘Contribution of worldwork methodology for violence prevention and community recovery after mass violence: An example from Rwanda’. Psychotherapy and Politics International, 2017
Audergon, Arlene: ‘Collective Trauma: The Nightmare of History’, in Psychotherapy and Politics International, Volume 2, Number 1, 2004, Whurr Publishers Ltd London
Audergon, Jean-Claude and  Audergon, Arlene  ‘The Rank Business: Dynamics of privilege in majority-minority positions’in 3d Way Communique, Newsletter for European Multicultural Foundation, Winter 2006
Audergon, Arlene   ‘Hot Spots: Post-conflict trauma and transformation‘ Critical Half Vol. 4, No 1 (July 2006),  Women for Women International
Audergon, Jean-Claude and Arlene, ‘Row, Row Row Your Boat, Life is but a dream: Introducing Process Oriented Psychology’, The Psychotherapist, Autumn 2008, p.23 – 25 details (pdf)
Audergon, Jean-Claude and Arlene Awareness Matters’ The Psychotherapist, Spring 2009, p.40-44 details (pdf)
Rosemary Cairns, ‘Europe Matters: creating community through deep dialogue’, in  IAF, International Association of Facilitators, May 2009 details (pdf) /
All Voices Welcome: Arlene Audergon and Jean-Claude Audergon outline CFOR’s vision to support awareness of mental health as a community issue’, Article in Journal of National Health Services, 2007
Audergon, Arlene ‘Process Acting’, The Journal of Process Oriented Psychology, Vol.6, No.2, Winter 1994-95, Lao Tse Press, Portland, Oregon

Audergon, Arlene & Jean-Claude: ‘Looking for Unicorns: Process Work at the Princess Royal Hospital’ Journal of Process Oriented Psychology, Extreme States of Consciousness, Summer 94, Vol.6, N1, LaoTse press.



Solomon, Paul: 'The War Hotel: Psychological Dynamics in Violent Conflict' Book Review

Conference Proceedings

Audergon, Arlene & Jean-Claude: ‘Looking for Unicorns: Process Work at the Princess Royal Hospital’ Journal of Process Oriented Psychology, Extreme States of Consciousness, Summer 94, Vol.6, N1, LaoTse press.
Deep Democacy – Where Fields Meet. Proceedings of the 1st IAPOP International Conference London 2007:  Lulu Press, London, 2007, Book Publication Team: Jean-Claude Audergon, Kirsten Wassermann, Gina Clayton, Kerri Cripps, Mike Fitter

Lectures and Interviews

War Hotel
Arlene’s  book, ‘War Hotel’ has been translated and published in Russian and Croatian (2008) See Interview (in Croatian) with ZAMIR magazine
Audergon. Arlene: ‘Psychological Dynamics in Violent Conflict’, Ministry for Peace, Lecture –Meeting in the Grand Committee Room, House of Commons, London, January 2005
‘Psychological Dynamics in Violent Conflict’ Interview with Arlene Audergon, Zamir magazine,, Croatia
Interview with Arlene Audergon by Julie Diamond, on Process Work and theatre


Audergon, Arlene ‘Gates of Society: Process Work on a Psychiatric Ward’, Dissertation, Union Inst. 1990, and revised manuscript.
Audergon, Jean-Claude ‘ Kommunication und Individuation’ Thesis for Liz. Phil. I, University Zurich, Humanistic Psychological studies, 1989

Theatre Reviews

Improbable Theatre, and the Royal Court Theatre – co-directed by Julian Crouch and Arlene Audergon, devised by Phelim Mc Dermott, Lee Simpson, and Guy Dartnell together with Julian and Arlene 

New York, October 2005, SPIRIT Reviews

New York Times Spirit Review
New York Times Spirit Review PDF
New York Times Spirt Video Clip
Theatremania Spirit Review
Time Out New York Spirit Review
The Village Voice Spirit Review
Newsday Spirit Review
American Theatre Web Spirit Review
Variety Spirit Review
More SPIRIT Reviews
PDF of 7 earlier reviews of SPIRIT
The Royal Court webpage of reviews
Improbable Theatre


Past Blog Pieces

Europe’s Debts: Accountability and Solidarity

Europe’s Debts: Accountability and Solidarity

During the crisis in Greece and Europe, I’ve been thinking about my part - as a person and as a resident of an EU country … and tried to write a few thoughts. I salute my colleagues in Greece for their personal and political work, all they do for their communities and...

The Dream: Community as a Protective Force

I’ve been recalling the beginning of our own organisation, CFOR.  You might try it with your own projects or organisations. Because sometimes right at the beginning, the idea or seed that landed inside of you, and got you going, reminds you of who you are, or who you...

What are we waiting for?

Charlie Rose had a conversation/ interview, August 6, 2014, regarding the Palestinian perspective during the current outbreak of violence in Gaza. His guests were Nadia Blibassy-Charters, senior correspondent with Al-Arabija television; Khaled Elgindy, Fellow at...

Remembering Glenn Smiley – Spirituality and Politics

Remembering Glenn Smiley – Spirituality and Politics

I was thinking this morning about Glenn Smiley.    We arrived in Los Angeles around 1988 from Zurich, where we’d been immersed in the study and practice of Processwork, daughter of Jungian Psychology. Jean-Claude Audergon (my partner) and I were dedicated to find out...

Celebrating Jean-Claude’s life

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Events and News

Facilitation Training in Ukraine

Please see more about our new training 'Facilitating our Future: Facilitation Training in Ukraine' here.

Australia New Zealand Process Oriented Psychology

Our long-time partner and GER director Innocent Musore is a presenter at Healing Intergenerational Trauma in Rwanda - Lessons 30 years on, Online seminar, 24th April, 2024. Please read more and apply here.

Jean-Claude Audergon:

A Legendary Lighthouse

Please read a touching tribute to Jean-Claude written by our colleague Jay Revar here.


Watch our short films and interviews here.


Read an article GER-Rwanda gathers youth group leaders to dialogue on reconciliation.
See 2023 Rwanda Report 'Youth, Reconciliation and the Future'.


See an article on Worldwork in Rwanda here.
See an article on Collective trauma and the nightmare of history here.


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Read the 'Facilitating our Future' Summary here.