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Organisational Consultation

Organisational Consultation

In addition to facilitating in communities and town meetings, we facilitate within a wide range of institutions – Educational institutions, religious organisations, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Staff Welfare team, Housing associations, Business,...
Seeds Programme

Seeds Programme

Once in a while, an idea lands. And with a special mix of hard work and happenstance, this idea may change the future. Ideas that make a difference surprise us, but don’t come out of the blue. They occur to those who’ve been immersed in the issues, because of their...
Complex problems and new pathways

Complex problems and new pathways

We facilitate within organisations and networks that are working to transform long-standing and complex problems in our society, including social injustice, healthcare and the environment. Examples have included facilitating within international peace organisations,...
Facilitating Interactions

Facilitating Interactions

  We facilitate the grappling with issues of structural discrimination, awareness of racism, gender diversity, sexual orientation, xenophobia, Islamophobia and anti-Semitism, disability and other issues of diversity among us. We facilitate within teams,...


Intensive on conflict resolution and community building Our Autumn intensive will be held  18th -23rd October 2016. [ FLYER ]   Facilitation for Leaders Modular Training Course 2016-2017 Course begins Autumn 2016. [ FLYER ]   Rwanda Our programme supports...