Intensive on conflict resolution and community building
Our Autumn intensive will be held 18th -23rd October 2016. [ FLYER ]
Facilitation for Leaders Modular Training Course
2016-2017 Course begins Autumn 2016. [ FLYER ]
Our programme supports Rwandan communities in their efforts towards conflict resolution, reconciliation and recovery. [ CLICK HERE ]
The Den, London
The Den is practice for facilitated dialogue on the issues which are dividing society here in London, throughout the UK and Europe and beyond, such as issues of migration, living together in Europe, leadership and nationalism. [ CLICK HERE ]
Sign up for more information and news about our programmes
15 minutes conversation
To ask questions or to discuss an event, training, or other ways to get involved with CFOR. [ CLICK HERE ]
Interview for the upcoming Facilitation for Leaders Training
If you would like more information or are interested in joining the training, arrange a discussion/ interview.